Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My 12 Jobs

My dear friend Matt has tagged me to relive the horror that was has been my employment here goes...buckle up's a bumpy ride....

1. Cowden Chevrolet...Leslie, MI...file B*%&!
I worked summers with for my mom filing, writing car PO's and typing up titles so we could get plates for cars

2. Gibbs Berry Farm...Onondaga, MI...Berry Picker!
You got it...I spent one very fun summer, actually, working outdoors following all of the old ladies up and down giant rows of strawberries picking the berries that they did not deem worthy of their jams!

3. H&R Block...Jackson, MI...evening receptionist
I spent 5 years working as the evening receptionist for the H&R Block office at the Sears in a result I don't care if you filed for a "rapid refund", as they were called back in the day, and you want your money now...the IRS 'aint gonna let cha have it if you owe them money dumb butt!!!

4. Tru-green Chemlawn Lawn Care...Jackson, MI...Phone Solicitor
HATED THIS JOB...nuff said

5. Meijer...the shifty takers...Men's Department...CHRISTMAS 1993!!!
All I can say is that I don't miss REfolding sweaters and it is my firm belief that you should not be allowed in a store during the holidays unless you have done time behind the counter...because people are rude and ungrateful!!!

6. Polly's Market...VCL...cashier
I tried working here while in college...couldn't do it for long...I worked until midnight and the area wasn't manager used to stand at the door and watch me walk to my car...not generous of them I thought...

7. Elder-Beerman Stores Inc...Jackson, MI...Home Dept
I worked here while in college and a year post grad...I can tell you that if you say that your towels don't absorb that you are using to much fabric softener and that Egyptian cotton smells like a wet camel!!! And that the heavier the pan the better it's gonna cook.

8. Gallant Transport...Jackson, MI...Dispatcher
I was supposed to go in and get the office set up for the girls who came on at 8am so that they could just start making calls on loads and get our drivers out...they didn't like me doing that because it meant they had to work...I was already working two other jobs...I was doing it as a favor to the owner...I told him it wasn't going to work out and left.

9. United Magazine....Book Division...Jackson, MI... Data Processor
I was working the good life...for all of 6 months then they moved the book opps to OHIO!!! I did data entry for the buyers to set up stores.

10. U of M...Law School....Ann Arbor, MI
8 years of beating my head against a wall trying to get ahead and because my boss had a chip on her shoulder, because a student!!! told her that I hated working for her...which was true...but I would have NEVER said such a thing to one of our students, they kindly asked me to look for a new job...

11. Fortin & Chunko, PC...Lansing, MI...
I couldn't tell you what my job was at this place because it changed once a week. I was here for 10 months and found a new job so that I could stand going to work in the morning. I really should know better than to work for small companies.

12. Jackson National Life....Lansing, MI...Data Processor
I don't have my own office anymore...can't send emails as much...can't post on the old blog as much as I would like...but it's a steady is constant...and I like the people here...just a whole stinking lot to try to remember!!

So thank you Matt for making me relive all of that, you're lucky I love you!!!...and now we'll see how many of you read this by saying that're it!!