Friday, January 25, 2008

What was I thinking...

I guess I should have known better than to think that I would keep up with my blog this year ;)
Not that I have been really busy...just don't want to.

Anyway, here I am...almost February and what a year it's been. I won't bore you with all of the details but so far this counts down some of the people in my life...
3 broken legs
2 serious falls
2 deaths
1 cancer development
AND IT'S STILL JANUARY...really people, I love you all so be careful!!!!

On a happier note...I have just booked my first ever trip to Vegas...I am going in April!! Can't wait. I will warn you that I am going with my friend so watch for postings in April!!! I am sure they won't disappoint!!!

I just got news that my cousin is having her first baby this fall...VERY happy for her...wish her very well. My only thing is I hate hearing about this so early because any number of things can happen in the first few months...but we are thinking POSITIVE thoughts for her :)

Got a raise at work.

Have been moderately successful at keeping up with my friends. I need to work a little harder at it though, branch out a little more if you will :) I think about you all on a regular basis but at the end of the day wonder where all the time went and think I'll do it tomorrow...and here we are...tomorrow.

The trying to lose weight thing is still not working for me. I have started a core fitness class that is kicking my butt and I am getting on the elliptical at home at least twice a week. My goal is to get back to the gym at least twice a week by the 10th of February. I think I'll get there.

Keep in touch if you can --- hope to talk to you all soon :)

1 comment:

One of the Bunch said...

I hope that February brought good news for your family and friends. It looks like January was a rough start! I understand about feeling as though you have no time to blog. I sometimes go a few days (oh, the horror, I know) but then jump back on the wagon. Sometimes it's my only "connection" to the outside world. Or so it seems. Congratulations to your cousin. I hope it is all still going well. And Congratulations on your raise at work. How awesome! The weight loss issue is something that I can't seem to "get" either. I feel your pain.
Keep in touch! (and yes, LOVE Ghost Hunters-as does my 10 yr old)