Monday, November 12, 2007


I have recently been bombarded with emails...which is ok...that my class is planning to hold a 15 year June... Now I have been trying to get back to my high school weight for some time now and have decided that it just isn't going to happen but going down a few pounds wouldn't break my heart...but why is it that when you know that you have a somewhat stressful event approaching any plans of dieting go out the window?? I joke with my mom about how I have gained weight for her chemo...but she's done with that now...but I have been... seriously ...binge eating for weeks now. I go a few days and I am fine then all of the sudden we get another update about who is coming and who we still need to find...and I clean out my house!!! Either I need to not worry about it and just not go or I need someone to teach me to eat through a straw for the next 6 months!! If I can't suck it through a straw I can't eat it! Yeah...that really won't work...I'd find a way to shove in a bagel!! This is so not going to be a fun couple of months!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

In the Spirit of Halloween

My favorite Halloween "carol"

There is a haunted house in town (in the town)
Where all the ghosties gather round (gather round)
Where the bats and cats and witches
keep the skeletons in stitches
as they sip their spider cider
in the haunted house
Beware, beware, beware, beware OH BEWARE
Watch out, be careful and take care, oh beware
'Cause the skeletons will get ya
and the witches they will keep you
if you dare to stay to long inside their haunted house!!!

Happy Halloween everyone!! Splendid haunting to you all!!! :)

Monday, October 22, 2007

It's Monday again already

I could swear that I was just here yesterday...and that isn't fair...

I have had so much to do in the last few months and none of it is getting done. I need a little magic elf to help me get things done when I am not home. I keep trying to tell my cats that they need to start earning their keep but they just don't listen.

I had started out my weekend on a grand note and got half of my carpet in the basement area cleaned...then decided that I couldn't move anymore furniture on my own and stopped.

I did a few loads of laundry and decided that I didn't like doing that either...

Started two books...not really into either of them

Worked on the Afghan for a little while decided it was to stinking hot to be sitting under a blanket...

And now it's Monday...I had a very good weekend and I really enjoyed the weather but here we are and I want my weekend back. I want to go back to sitting on the deck cooking my chicken dinner on the grill and trying to decide if I really like this book or if it should just go to the Garage Sale pile...

When are you to old to lie on the floor and kick and scream to get your way???

Thursday, October 4, 2007

I just have to share...

No I don't have children of my own to share little stories about but I have niece and a nephew who never fail me when it comes to silly.

Last weekend my niece asked me to cut her hair for her...she doesn't like it to we are standing in the bathroom at mom and dad's and she is squirming in front of the mirror. I have to keep holding her still...don't know where she gets it from we were never that way when we were 5!! Finally I say to her...Anna, you have to hold still or else I will not be able to get this cut have to many cowlicks and every time you move they do too! And I get whats a cowlick? I explain that it's a way that your hair grows...then jokingly I say that they call it that because it looks like a cow came up to you and licked you on the head!!

So last night I get a call from my sister who is hysterical in tears...I just had to call you...Anna is in the bathroom combing her hair talking about her moo licks...I asked her what...and she replied you know...those things that aunt Carrie said I have in my hair...moo licks!!

To stinking cute for words...but my poor sister was on the floor laughing!!

Hope you are all having a good day!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

And people actually ask me why I don't have kids...

Call me crazy -- wasn't it just January and didn't I JUST put away the Christmas tree??? I was out shopping this weekend and realized that there were Christmas decorations everywhere...and I am pretty sure that they have been there for a few weeks...I have just been in denial about it.

There is no denying as the smell of twigs and leaves makes it way through my house that the holidays are upon us AGAIN...For those of us in Michigan you know I mean Deer Season!!!!

Bow season has begun and I am officially single until Jan 1. I may see my dear husband in passing but for the next few months...he will be useless. I hate deer season...I don't eat venison, I have no tolerance for muddy boots tracking crap through my house and I truly do not like having to make sure that his "dirt scented dryer sheets" stay stocked for the laundry and that the baking soda is always full so that he doesn't have to buy special soap...1 like he would go get it for himself and 2... don't ask.

Now we get along fine and all but I have this problem with half finished crap...biggest piece of crap I am referring to currently would be my house. We have lived here for a year and I STILL have yet to get floors finished trim put up and walls finished being painted. Mostly because someone has decided that we need to change colors on the walls in several rooms but doesn't want to go get the paint and crap to do it. So I have decided that I am going to start doing stuff and if someone doesn't like it...tough cookies!

Sorry for the rant but most of you who know me know that my entire childhood and part of my adult like was spent in a house where my dad was always working on a room...drywall was half put up, still is, floors were unfinished and there is still MUCH to be done there. I made my darling promise me that if he started a project that it would be finished in a timely manor...has yet to happen...because I had spent a good share of my life under construction and refused to do it now. I am now getting truly frustrated because now we have a HUGE undertaking in the form of a sewer project that is coming through the town in January. I am not looking forward to this in the least and can only imagine what this will do to my yard and house.

So again I apologize for the whine but as hunting starts again and I look around my house at all of the unfinished projects I can't help but feel a little upset at the fact that he is to tired to help me paint all summer but he'll go from work to the woods and sit there all night waiting for the "big one".

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Things that have happened this month

I have been so busy this month I didn't even think of posting so I thought I would give you all a quick update on what has been going on. So far this month...

...Anna started Kindergarten and she is so excited, they get recess AND a snack, so far as she can tell she has it WAY better than brother David :) finished her chemo treatments and will start her radiation on Monday (10/1)

...I went to the Michigan--Penn State Game, so much fun...way to many people. You only get 12 inches of seat to sit a 14 inch hiney!!!

...I turned 32 without much fan fair

...My nephew has started his pee wee football season and I have attended each game

...I am restarting my home improvements, hopefully I will continue this weekend

...I have been working much overtime, Saturdays included

...My battery died in my car stranding me at Meijer, thankfully my dad was home and mom had a spare battery!

...We had dinner with the in-laws, would rather have given blood. Decided I am going to write a book on ALL of the things you can't do unless you have kids, for those of you without kids let me tell you that the more time I spend with the "fam" the more I learn what I am doing that I shouldn't

...I have been on a fluff reading kick lately. I have read books 2 thru 8 in the Stephanie Plum Series (any fluff readers will know what I am talking about) I have 1-9 in the series and there are 13 total...I told my husband that I can't buy anymore until I get something else done because all I do is sit and read!!

...I have lost 9 pounds on my new diet this month. It's slow but at least I am a loser :)

...I am almost finished with ONE of the blankets I have been crocheting for the last year...I have two more rounds left on the skein I am using then I just have to do the edge!!

Well...that nearly sums up my month. I am sure that I am forgetting something but I wanted to say hey to you all and that I hope you had a good's to a great Fall!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My 12 Jobs

My dear friend Matt has tagged me to relive the horror that was has been my employment here goes...buckle up's a bumpy ride....

1. Cowden Chevrolet...Leslie, MI...file B*%&!
I worked summers with for my mom filing, writing car PO's and typing up titles so we could get plates for cars

2. Gibbs Berry Farm...Onondaga, MI...Berry Picker!
You got it...I spent one very fun summer, actually, working outdoors following all of the old ladies up and down giant rows of strawberries picking the berries that they did not deem worthy of their jams!

3. H&R Block...Jackson, MI...evening receptionist
I spent 5 years working as the evening receptionist for the H&R Block office at the Sears in a result I don't care if you filed for a "rapid refund", as they were called back in the day, and you want your money now...the IRS 'aint gonna let cha have it if you owe them money dumb butt!!!

4. Tru-green Chemlawn Lawn Care...Jackson, MI...Phone Solicitor
HATED THIS JOB...nuff said

5. Meijer...the shifty takers...Men's Department...CHRISTMAS 1993!!!
All I can say is that I don't miss REfolding sweaters and it is my firm belief that you should not be allowed in a store during the holidays unless you have done time behind the counter...because people are rude and ungrateful!!!

6. Polly's Market...VCL...cashier
I tried working here while in college...couldn't do it for long...I worked until midnight and the area wasn't manager used to stand at the door and watch me walk to my car...not generous of them I thought...

7. Elder-Beerman Stores Inc...Jackson, MI...Home Dept
I worked here while in college and a year post grad...I can tell you that if you say that your towels don't absorb that you are using to much fabric softener and that Egyptian cotton smells like a wet camel!!! And that the heavier the pan the better it's gonna cook.

8. Gallant Transport...Jackson, MI...Dispatcher
I was supposed to go in and get the office set up for the girls who came on at 8am so that they could just start making calls on loads and get our drivers out...they didn't like me doing that because it meant they had to work...I was already working two other jobs...I was doing it as a favor to the owner...I told him it wasn't going to work out and left.

9. United Magazine....Book Division...Jackson, MI... Data Processor
I was working the good life...for all of 6 months then they moved the book opps to OHIO!!! I did data entry for the buyers to set up stores.

10. U of M...Law School....Ann Arbor, MI
8 years of beating my head against a wall trying to get ahead and because my boss had a chip on her shoulder, because a student!!! told her that I hated working for her...which was true...but I would have NEVER said such a thing to one of our students, they kindly asked me to look for a new job...

11. Fortin & Chunko, PC...Lansing, MI...
I couldn't tell you what my job was at this place because it changed once a week. I was here for 10 months and found a new job so that I could stand going to work in the morning. I really should know better than to work for small companies.

12. Jackson National Life....Lansing, MI...Data Processor
I don't have my own office anymore...can't send emails as much...can't post on the old blog as much as I would like...but it's a steady is constant...and I like the people here...just a whole stinking lot to try to remember!!

So thank you Matt for making me relive all of that, you're lucky I love you!!!...and now we'll see how many of you read this by saying that're it!!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Ghosts I can deal with...but BATS!!! thank you.

So...the ghost hunt was fun. We had a good time. Got some cool photos and some creepy EVP's. I can't show you my photos unless you visit me because the place is copyrighted. bummer...

We got to the place at 7:30...just in time...and checked in. They break you into groups and tell you all the rules...go here, not there, no photos can be taken of the prison behind on. Then you are on your own. You can stay as long as you want go to your car as much as you want but once you leave the gate you are done for the night. We made it to 2:30...and Courtney only had to fix her hair twice!! I kept saying...honey...we're her to hunt ghosts...not men...she didn't get it.

I probably would have made it longer had I not been the target of several bats with an apparent agenda...that included scaring the holy crap out of me at every turn of the hallway. Ghosts I can deal with...I got no problem with them...hi how are's that whole after life treating ya? I'm cool with the whole idea that we are not alone here...BATS I AM NOT COOL WITH. Winged rodents are not cute, they are not at all on my list of cuddliest critters and I do not enjoy being smacked in the head by them. Therefore...our hunt ended after the third attempt on my life. I would go back...but with body armor.

I got one super cool photo, one that I have to look at closer, and one creepy EVP that we found while listening to the tape on the way home...that we got while we were walking up a staircase to the TB Ward/infirmary...and we know we were the only ones there...CREEPY!! But very cool!

So I recommend it...I would do it again...we are actually thinking about making a ghost hunt a summer tradition...pick a new location each year. :)

Friday, July 27, 2007

I am sure I need more sleep...but that will have to wait

OK...first...the new job is going well. I feel like I am getting the hang of what I am starting on...and now I'll have to move to something new! No...but really...I'm waiting for it. I am still very confused on the basics around here but that is because the girl who was "training" me left to a new job the week I she was trying to wrap up her work and train me...and apparently left out some important details... I am discovering this slowly. Hopefully things get better in that respect, I am sure they will.

Now...I have had a whirlwind of a month. I have been to Tennessee, Houghton Lake, and this weekend I am going to Ohio! I am going on an overnight ghost hunt...roll your eyes if you will but I LOVE this stuff!!! And am pretty geeked about it and think it will be a great time. I am going with Courtney...wish me luck...but there are no hotels involved and we have a set deadline on this trip so I may be ok.

Next weekend is Relay For chosen cause :)...and I am probably going to be at the park most of the time. Mom is walking in the survivor lap! Which makes me happy! She has finished her chemo...8 weeks ahead of schedule...and now has to move onto the steroid/benadryl/other stuff stage which will go for another 8 weeks. She has to learn how to use insulin because her dr said that this stage will play havoc with her diabetes. But she is excited that her treatments are going faster than expected and that she may be done by the holidays!

After next weekend my summer slows down a little...I'm pretty geeked about that...I can't wait to be able to sleep in my own bed on a weekend and sleep in!!! I haven't seen the garden at mom & dad's in a few weeks and am sure it is a mess to reckoned with! It's where bad weeds go to die. I just wish that I could convince my dad that we don't really need to plant the whole thing every year! Won't happen!

I'll have to let you all know how the hunt goes and what I see!! I hope to see something...the big joke with Courtney and I is that they give everyone pizza and pop at midnight....if we live that long!!! We'll probably scare ourselves to death before a ghost does!!! LOL!!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Can you live on 13 hours of sleep????

So many of you may or may not know that I went to Tennessee for a wedding last week...

I was gone for 5 days...I drove 10 spend time with my cousin, her sister and various others of her relatives before the wedding. I was expecting chaos, stress and a wee bit of tension...I got so much more...

Wednesday...I woke up, finished packing and hit the road around 10am...drove, drove, to Knoxville around 8pm. Had dinner, distracted Leah while her sister and aunt put the finishing touches on her bachelorette garb, a lovely hat that we made her wear Thursday night, and went to bed...after a long debate on who was sleeping always. (5 hours of sleep)

Thursday...we all got up and went to get our nails done, this was fun...who can have a bad time drinking wine at 10am!!! After the nails Leah, her sister and I went to the mall so she could buy her makeup for the wedding...we all got our eyes done at the Mac counter and had a fun time...we then went to see intimate apparel...who was going to help Sis find a new bra to help her dress....whereupon I was accosted and was "helped" to pick out a bra that "gave me a better waistline" the middle of the department...that, of course, has video surveillance. We then drove to Gatlinburg where we got dressed and went to dinner at Linebergers Seafood, which I highly recommend and not just because my cousin is the head chef there...he's also the general manager :), but for real they have great food!! , and then to see a stage show called Sweet Fanny Adams, again, cute...I recommend it once...maybe twice... We then went back to our chalet and went to bed. Now I am a country girl born and raised...but I HATE bugs...and there were bugs all over the floor in this chalet...I did not sleep because I felt them "crawling" on me. (1 hour of sleep)

Friday...we got up and Leah and her sister were hungover so we sat in the chalet all day ready for the rehearsal...and ensuing dinner...they went to the church...I tried to nap but ended up taking a long hot shower! There was apparently a sleep ban in effect that I was not aware of!...After dinner I got to sleep on a bunk bed...sort of. (4 hours of sleep)

Saturday...I got up and ran out the door...met some of my aunts and hit a few of the malls...just because I needed to get out of the house for a while lest I lose my mind. Leah has turned into bridzilla, her mom is going crazy, Grandma is following everyone around because she needs to know what's going on at ALL TIMES... the wedding and reception were nice. Went back to the chalet and was moved to YET ANOTHER bed so I "could get a better nights sleep" where I had to share a king size bed with Aunt N...who kicks and snores... (3 hours of sleep)

Sunday....woke up at 7:30...crawled out of bed and into my car...couldn't get home soon enough.

I had fun but I want to go back when I can enjoy it more and leave the cabin. I am still recovering from lack of sleep...I think I am finally getting caught up!!! Next time I stay at a hotel!!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Good morning!! I just had to share my good news with you all!!!

I have a new job! I start in a week!! I am so excited to have a steady stream of work to do! You just have no idea!! I will miss the people I have gotten to know here but I am excited to be moving on to other things!

Do a little happy dance!!! :)

Monday, June 11, 2007

"...nothing but Ex-lax and water 'til prom!"

I have struggled with weight loss my whole life. I grew up on a farm so it's not like I sat around all day. Rode my bike every chance I had. Played sports. Yet I was always a little heavier than I liked. Since high school, and I am sure others can relate, I have put on serious weight and now I am at a plateau of sorts...I can't lose it but I have hovered at the same 10 pounds for the last two years. I spent the whole weekend out running around, working with mom and dad, planting the garden, entertaining visiting family...didn't drop and ounce! Absolutely maddening!

After the party I am hosting this week for my cousins bridal shower...I am going to become anorexic! Not really, I like food to much to not eat!, but I have given myself a deadline to get back on track! I hate diets...but something has to work...I already drink diet soda, thanks to Ben, I eat salads twice a day...and I have never used tons of dressing...I exercise, but this is where I think I need to step it up.

And you know my biggest inspiration is that I am tired of not being able to find cute cloths that don't make you look pregnant or that are just plain ill fitting! I loathe the fashion industry and their lack of caring about how big girls look! We want cute things too! I don't approve of the cap sleeve....I hate that they think that every one who wears plus sizes is 4 ft tall and weighs 400 pounds...I don't get wild patterns that just draw attention...and I don't know WHY they insist on making tube tops and halters with "built in support" (my butt) for plus sizes, because it just encourages people to go out in public looking like trash!

So wish me luck...I have tried it all...but I will try again!! I shall prevail!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I just need to rewind to Saturday to get a good head start...

I was just sitting here thinking that about everything I have to do in the next few days...and I am tired just thinking about it! And now I have people staying with me this weekend!!! Which is fine, it's my cousin who I am hosting a bridal shower for next weekend...she lives in Tennessee...and her fiance, but now everything I had planned to do little by little over the next week has been moved forward dramatically! Not to mention that somewhere in there I have to find time to plant a garden for my dad...but did I mention that my dads idea of a garden is half an acre of tomato plants alone!! I think that I am feeling a little peckish!! (cough, cough, sniff)

OH...let us not forget that I have to go check on mom and dad at the store on Saturday night to see if they need a break, get my hair cut Saturday morning, AND I have been cornered into a dinner out with friends that I do each year when Ben is gone on his fishing trip...guess when that is!...

I also have a job interview on Thursday that I would appreciate a few good thoughts from y'all at about 2:30 (est) :)

I just need to formulate my plan of attack and get to work!! Could you imagine if I had kids too!! I would need professional help...I am pretty sure! What I really want to do is go back about 15 years to when I had the summers off and not a care in the world! My sisters and I have been joking with Mom about how we've been so stressed that we're putting on weight for her Chemo! I just wish it would be as easy to lose!

Monday, June 4, 2007

I made it!!! And so did she!

Happy Monday all!

I am happy to report that the weekend went well. Nothing I wasn't expecting. We, of course, left late on Friday and of course there was construction...but neither was that bad. Let me give you the rundown...

Friday...8:15am...We had talked and decided to leave 8-8:30am...I arrived at her house, she was not ready to go...not finished packing...not not done... She had done a load of laundry that morning and the drain hose fell out of the tub and got water on her basement floor. Mind you most people would have just mopped up best they could and turned on a fan to finish the job and move We had to mop up 98% of the water...because she just knew that if she left it OVERNIGHT she would end up with mildew! So we got on the road at 9:30...

12:00(noonish) we arrived at our destination. Spent 20minutes in the parking lot while she checked her makeup and hair...and got her bag of stuff to take in...then we go in and use the restrooms...another hair check...and we are off to the rides. We went on like 7 or 8 rides...except I can't go on the high ones...she won't go on the spinney ones so we were limited...After 6.5 hours at the park she was ready to we headed back to the hotel to get cleaned up and head out to dinner. Got to the hotel at 6:30pm...left for dinner at 8pm!!

Saturday...7:30am we wake up and start getting stuff around I decide that I am going to let her shower first because she takes longer to get ready!?!??!! So 8am she showers...10am we leave the hotel to find a bagel...because that's all she needs...can you say all we have had to eat on this trip thus far are carbs...then head off to the Zoo.

Again...noonish...we arrive at the Zoo...after a hair check we are off and moving. The Zoo is much different than I remember...considering I haven't been in 20 years...Some of the exhibits were closed because mama's had just had babies...some were under construction...some we didn't go into because you had to pay an extra fee!! So we were on the express tour anyway. Stopped at a cafe and had a snack then decided we were at the end of our tour and headed for home...

I am not sure if it's because I am married and not constantly worried about what people may think of me???? Or if I have always been a low maintenance person???? (outwardly speaking) Or if I just think that it's plain ridiculous to spend two hours doing your hair and makeup to go to Cedar Point or the Zoo to walk around and get all hot and sweaty?!?!?!

Anyway...we made it home without incident. I got cleaned up...tossed laundry in the basement and spent the evening on the couch with the boys (my cats) because by the time we got home it had started to rain so there was no point in going out to check on my plants or do anything in the yard. Sunday we had an last minute birthday party for my sister, I say last minute because we had scheduled said birthday cake festivities for next weekend but we had to change them at the last minute thanks to some people and their lack of caring for anyone but themselves. ANYWAY!! Then I cleaned up a little around the house.

All in all a good was good until we got home and that's all that counts...if I get any good photos back I may try my hand at posting them :)...we'll see!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thursday Therapy Session

Today is Friday here at work...and I am so glad that I don't have to come in here tomorrow. The only thing I am not looking forward to is the trip this weekend. Actually I am...I have not been to Cedar Point since the year I got married, so it will be fun...but Lord help me!!

Now I should explain...I am going to be spending the next three days in a car, at various intervals, with my friend...who I love dearly...who is a bit shall we say, unaware of her own quirks. For example, she has a friend out of state who she will go visit for a weekend then come back and complain for a week about how they are always late for this and that, dinner reservations, church, trains...etc. Yet she remains blissfully unaware that when you say I'll pick you up at 6 so we can make our 6:30 reservations that you arrive at 5:55 to pick her up and she is still getting dressed, or she has to dry her hair, finish putting on makeup, or she got a phone call and instead of saying I am late for whatever she talks to them for 20 minutes and then makes you, the person she had plans with who has been patiently waiting for her, late. It takes her 5 minutes to put on chap stick and she has to do her hair to go to the gym. She can tell you everything about all of her friends and family that makes her crazy...yet has no idea that she is guilty of the same.

Now...I have NEVER claimed to be perfect, infallible, quirkless (yeah it's not a word...get over it)...but it makes me crazy to travel with her. Why then, you ask, do I put myself through this? Because she likes to go places and so do I and we don't always have anyone else to go with. So I suck it up and bite my tongue when she isn't driving the speed limit because she is trying to check her eyeliner in the mirror, while she takes 15 minutes to primp, even though we JUST left her house, before we can get out of the car at a restaurant, when we are out and about and haven't eaten for 10 hours and she just wants to grab an ice cream because she isn't that hungry...but can't understand why she just can't lose weight, and when she has to talk on the phone, while she is at dinner with me, to the same stupid men that don't want anything from her but a one nighter every now and again and then can't understand why she doesn't have a boyfriend!!?!??!

Again...I think that she is a good person, who would bend over backwards to help anyone that needed it, but if you live in the Ohio area or are planning a trip that way this weekend and see a cute red head walking on the side of the highway stop and give her a lift because I threw her out of the car and went home!!

Hope you all have a great weekend!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

In the spirit of fellowship

My friend Becky had a bit of a rant yesterday and I just thought that in the spirit of fellowship I would let her know that she is not alone...with the following tale...

It was a warm July afternoon when Carrie finished hauling all of the boxes from the old house to the new was her third trip that day but now all that was left was the furniture and some clothes, and a few things in the kitchen. She had been working away at the houses, while her loving Ben was at work all day, painting, scrubbing floors, tearing out carpet, washing walls, stripping wall paper, cleaning carpets...Then they sold the old house and moved totally into the new one, which was and still is a work in progress, work continued until a balmy October morn when archery season opened and suddenly he was to busy to finish laying the new floors and tacking down trim. Now, once again, Carrie is back to scrubbing and painting and washing while Ben "organizes" the garage.

In other stories...if he doesn't have socks in his drawer where are they??? Do I have any clean jeans??? Why didn't' you get that at the store?? He recently found out that he is diabetic...we can't have this and that and that in the house regular chips...low carb bread only...(mind you I have LOW blood sugar) AND...the all time killer...He goes on a fishing trip every year in June with his uncle...they go for a week have a great time...good for them... This week I am going with a friend to Cedar Point on Friday and won't be coming back until Saturday...I get..."but that means you won't be home to pack my bag on Friday." !!!!!!!

So please know that you are not alone...we all want to know where that Freaking Fairy Godmother is and why on earth some men are so helpless!!! (for those of you of the male persuasion who may be reading this...note that I said SOME...I know that not all of you are domestically challenged!)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Weekend Update

So...all in all my weekend went fairly smoothly.

Thursday I spent the morning cleaning my house then loaded my car and headed to the laundry mat...where I only left one blanket!...met a friend for lunch and then went home to work on dinner and discover that I was sans one blanket :)...

Friday I awoke at the armpit of AM to drive to my parents store where I met my mom and her aunt...and drove them to Chelsea for part two of the cancer procedure for mom...part three begins on June 4th...Returned to the store and worked with dad for the rest of the day because he shouldn't be there alone on a holiday weekend. Left there at 5pm and went home to crash on the sofa...because I was SO tired!

Saturday I went to mom and dads for a little while then had to run to town to grab a few groceries for the candle/fundraiser party sis and I were doing...that no one bothered to show up for...then I drove from one side of the county to the other and back again with Ben for an open house for one of his cousins...saw mom-in-law who introduced Ben to everyone but accidental forgot to mention was a fun time.

Sunday got up way to early to run and get groceries for the cook out we were having at mom and dads...had lunch with the fam...came home and worked on the house a little more...laundry, put up a new blind in the living room that doesn't sound like you are pulling the fur off a cat backwards when you open it...and worked on crochet project #3 for a little while.

Monday I went to the Memorial Day parade with my sisters and dad to see David carry the flag for the local Boy Scout Troop...he is so serious it's nearly funny...visited with my Aunt Francis...who is truly to cute for words, she is nearly 90 and blind as a bat but she still runs around the house like she is on a sisters and I always joke about my grandma and her sisters and how that is going to be us in 20 years...they are a hoot! Then I came back to town...stopped at the laundry mat in hopes that my blanket was still there!!!...ran to get some more plants...because I didn't have enough in my mind...and pick up a few pots from my friend who painted me, in bright colors, terracotta pots to plant my veggies in :) Then I killed myself planting the rest of the day!!

I hope that you all had a good weekend as well. I could have had a little more sunshine and been very happy with it but I'll take what I can get :) You can't be overly picky with the weather when you live in Michigan!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Isn't there supposed to be a long relaxing weekend in May?

I had promised myself that I was going to make time for me this summer...and I have to a point, I have some trips planned and some events scheduled to attend...but here we are coming up on a long weekend...and I am so busy I can't believe it!

I took a few extra days off just so I could get some things done around the house...not looking so good for home improvements :)

Tomorrow I need to take all of our bedding to the Laundromat because I have tried to wash blankets in my washer...and I really don't like having to spend three days drying up my basement :)

Then I wanted to get started on some painting projects and deep cleaning that my house is in desperate need of...

Friday I need to take mom to get the port for her chemo treatments...she is doing great by the way...and that will kill much of the day

Saturday I am helping my sister with a fund raiser for the ACS Relay for Life...then Ben and I have an open house to go to...

Sunday we will have a cook out at my and dad have a store and they will be there all day on Monday...we always celebrate holidays on Sunday mornings :) anymore

And on Monday my nephew, the boy scout, is in the Memorial Day Parade so guess where Aunt Carrie has to be :)

Now I LOVE spending time with my family but I like my me time too.

So, in that spirit...I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, whether you be camping, traveling out of state of just staying home by the BBQ. Happy and safe holiday to you all!! Enjoy the long weekend!!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Summer in...3...2...1

I can tell that summer is closing in...slowly...Not by the trees or flowers...Not from the 86 degree forecast that looms for the next few days...No no...I can tell because EVERY SINGLE STREET, HIGHWAY, AVENUE, BLVD, PARKING LOT, INTERSECTION IS CLOSED, TORN UP, DOWN TO ONE LANE, OR THERE ARE ORANGE BARRELS PERCHED ON THE EDGE OF THE ROAD!!! JUST WAITING THEIR TURN!!!

Have I ever mentioned to anyone that I really don't like construction?? Just in case there lies any doubt...I don't. Sadly though, it is not the actual construction that I have the issue's mankind as a whole. I will admit that there are times when I am not the most courteous driver and I get impatient when I get stuck behind "driving Ms. Daisy" when I am needing to be somewhere...BUT...I always pay attention and react early to construction notices. BECAUSE...if we all were just a little more outwardly thinking we could reduce the amount of time we spend going THREE MILES AN HOUR because some jerk has to be one car ahead of you! Doesn't matter that he still is going THREE!! He is ahead of you...and that's what really counts. I just get very flustered when I am trying to be nice and merge over to whatever lane I need to be in and people are speeding past me almost hitting me because they know if they can just get one more car ahead of you they will WIN!!!! Because apparently it is some sort of race that I am not aware of.

Thank you for letting me whine for a little bit. I needed that :)

Friday, May 18, 2007

Say a little prayer...for anyone

There has been so much going on in my life lately that I sometimes forget that there are others out there who have it worse.

I have a friend who is recovering from pancreatic cancer...that they can't totally cure.

My mother is recovering from a total radical mastectomy...which they are sure removed all the cancer.

My friend D is still getting over losing her husband last summer to a heart attack. Which left her alone with no source of income.

I have a great friend who just made it through a very rough pregnancy and has a beautiful baby boy to show for it.

People losing jobs, spouses, parents or someone you know is just having a bad day...sometimes you just get so caught up in your own life and asking for help for you that you forget to remember those around you and ask for blessings and hope for them. So today I ask that you, at the risk of breaking into song, say a little prayer for someone you know...because we could all use a little extra help every now and then.

Have a great weekend everyone!! Be safe!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

It can just stay warm for a while now...

Now I am not a warm weather person by any means but I have always said that people should only be allowed to complain about one season... I pick winter... So I can't say that 54 degrees is awful, but it was 82 yesterday. I like 82...I am tired of wearing sweaters and jeans. I want to dig to the back of my closet and find my cute summer tops and capri's and wear them with sandals!!!

I know that it is by no means cold enough to frost anymore, at least, but I just want warm to stay around for a few days!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

10 Things About Me

As my first blog entry I decided to go for the basic. So here you have 10 facts about me...

1. I am married, nearly 8 years, to my high school sweetheart. No kids yet, much to the disappointment of everyone we know!

2. I live in the same small town I grew up in and love it!

3. I worry a great deal about things I have no control over.

4. I have discovered that I am not sure what I want to be when I grow up.

5. I love to be outdoors, gardening, walking, biking, lounging...

6. I am an arts and crafts addict. I have more projects in progress than you really want to know about...just ask me how many blankets I am crocheting!!! I think I currently have three in progress...sheesh!!

7. I let myself become frustrated, defeated and overwhelmed very easily and that leads to putting things off.

8. I have many people who I am close to and I am thankful for that support base on many occasions.

9. I am a reality TV junkie...even though Survivor stunk up the TV this season I was there every Thursday night!!! And just because I have to get up at 5:30am during the week does not stop me from staying up until 11pm on Mondays to watch the Bachelor!!!

10. I am very friendly and sometimes generous to a fault...which makes me a very busy person!!

There you have 10...somewhat informative...facts about me :)