Wednesday, May 30, 2007

In the spirit of fellowship

My friend Becky had a bit of a rant yesterday and I just thought that in the spirit of fellowship I would let her know that she is not alone...with the following tale...

It was a warm July afternoon when Carrie finished hauling all of the boxes from the old house to the new was her third trip that day but now all that was left was the furniture and some clothes, and a few things in the kitchen. She had been working away at the houses, while her loving Ben was at work all day, painting, scrubbing floors, tearing out carpet, washing walls, stripping wall paper, cleaning carpets...Then they sold the old house and moved totally into the new one, which was and still is a work in progress, work continued until a balmy October morn when archery season opened and suddenly he was to busy to finish laying the new floors and tacking down trim. Now, once again, Carrie is back to scrubbing and painting and washing while Ben "organizes" the garage.

In other stories...if he doesn't have socks in his drawer where are they??? Do I have any clean jeans??? Why didn't' you get that at the store?? He recently found out that he is diabetic...we can't have this and that and that in the house regular chips...low carb bread only...(mind you I have LOW blood sugar) AND...the all time killer...He goes on a fishing trip every year in June with his uncle...they go for a week have a great time...good for them... This week I am going with a friend to Cedar Point on Friday and won't be coming back until Saturday...I get..."but that means you won't be home to pack my bag on Friday." !!!!!!!

So please know that you are not alone...we all want to know where that Freaking Fairy Godmother is and why on earth some men are so helpless!!! (for those of you of the male persuasion who may be reading this...note that I said SOME...I know that not all of you are domestically challenged!)

1 comment:

One of the Bunch said...

Let me tell you, there is something that makes a man hot when he has a broom in one hand, a mop in the other, children hanging off his legs and hearing him say, "It's okay honey, I'll get it. Just tell me what you want me to make you for dinner." I hope you have a fantastic time on your trip. It sounds like so much fun!! Thank you for letting me know that I'm not alone!! -B