Tuesday, May 15, 2007

10 Things About Me

As my first blog entry I decided to go for the basic. So here you have 10 facts about me...

1. I am married, nearly 8 years, to my high school sweetheart. No kids yet, much to the disappointment of everyone we know!

2. I live in the same small town I grew up in and love it!

3. I worry a great deal about things I have no control over.

4. I have discovered that I am not sure what I want to be when I grow up.

5. I love to be outdoors, gardening, walking, biking, lounging...

6. I am an arts and crafts addict. I have more projects in progress than you really want to know about...just ask me how many blankets I am crocheting!!! I think I currently have three in progress...sheesh!!

7. I let myself become frustrated, defeated and overwhelmed very easily and that leads to putting things off.

8. I have many people who I am close to and I am thankful for that support base on many occasions.

9. I am a reality TV junkie...even though Survivor stunk up the TV this season I was there every Thursday night!!! And just because I have to get up at 5:30am during the week does not stop me from staying up until 11pm on Mondays to watch the Bachelor!!!

10. I am very friendly and sometimes generous to a fault...which makes me a very busy person!!

There you have 10...somewhat informative...facts about me :)

1 comment:

Matt said...

Nice blog...please continue to update it! I am a blog junkie...and if you write it, I WILL read it... :)