Monday, April 14, 2008

The weekend is gone and Crazy Cat Lady

I long for the carefree days of high school when I had a spring break and summers off. When I could sleep in and didn't have to worry about having enough vacation time!!

This weekend we celebrated my sisters 40th birthday at my mom and dads with our first official cook out of the "summer". It was cold and it rained...then it snowed...but we had grilled chicken and it was lovely! Yesterday it was cold, not so cold, but cold enough that I didn't want to be outside in it. My niece kept asking me to go out and play on her swing set at Grandmas...not a chance sister!! We put together a puzzle book instead. :) I tried to clean some of my house, got some of my laundry done, none of it hung up or folded but clean, vacuumed some of the house, cleaned up after the monsters, and then took a very long hot it's Monday. Did you ever have one of those weekends where you had so much that you wanted to do but just didn't accomplish any of it! That was me this weekend. I wanted to get my bike out and take it to get the tires and such checked out so that I can start riding now that the weather is nicer. I wanted to clean the bathrooms, the basement, pick up the crap that has been laying by our "front door" since Christmas. I did manage to take a nap and put away the Christmas tree...DON'T JUDGE ME!!!!!! (it wasn't decorated anymore, it just needed to be disassembled and I just didn't have anywhere to put it in the basement)

I am having some friends over this weekend and I really need to get stuff cleaned up! Guess you all know what fun and exciting things I have planned for this week! :)

So...the Crazy Cat Lady...because I know you all are wondering...I work with a girl, who makes me crazy, who apparently has nothing in her life but work and her cats. You have to feel bad for her because of this but if you knew how truly annoying she was you wouldn't feel QUITE so bad. We get these stupid emails about keep chatting to a minimum, don't stand around unless you are talking about work and so EVERY DAY this girl stops at the managers desk in front of me and talks for what seems like hours, but in reality is probably 15 minutes, about what her cats did the night before...she knitted one a sweater, this one did a funny somersault, that one about tripped her when she was making dinner...and she has one of those really high pitched squeaky voices. They have been moving desks around here and moved our call center to another location, in another building, and they revealed that the manager she talks to all the time will be RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!!! So keep an eye on the papers just in case I need legal council.

1 comment:

Roberta said...

Chin up. The cats are her kids. Look at her pictures and hear her out. You can show her some family album pictures (of your niece, etc.). It's all the same in sharing our families - just some kids have four legs. Don't let it get to you, it's not like she's trying to force you to adopt kittens. Give it your best.